The gross vanilla milkshake

It is no secret here on the blog, that I have belly issues. Pains. Unexplained pains. It even landed me in the ER.

Months ago, I went pretty strict paleo. Cut out dairy. And tried to minimize stress (haha.goodluck) Luckily, all of these things helped A TON! But the past few weeks I have still been getting the pain, mostly after meals 😦

So it is back to the doctors to see what they begin to think. With a family history of GI issues, my brothers and I are a pretty high risk. That being said, next week I get to swallow a camera pill that will take pictures inside, while a fancy recorder is still in a cool fanny pack that I get to wear for 8 hours (DONT be jealous haha)

But first, I had to go through a 3 HOUR swallow study through to make sure the pill will make it. Well, it was NO fun. They lost me when they said I had to be NPO from midnight till at least 1pm. No food OR drinks. not even water.

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Then I was able to drink this amazing stuff. It might LOOK like a vanilla smoothie, but thats were they get ya!

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I tasted like chalk. and when I asked how much I had to drink she said 2 cups. I was thinking um, that isn’t too bad. And then she handed me two cups! not 2 measuring cups, but two full cups. great. I was able to use a straw and choke swallow all of it. But I tell you, my belly was NOT happy. I was actually having some pains when this stuff was going through.

And see this fun contraption? That is what they use to press on your stomach to get good pictures. haha.

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it didn’t hurt, but when I first saw it, I had NO IDEA what that was for. Kind of freaked me out, not gonna lie.

After 3 hours, it was time to head home. So far, they said everything looked good. YEA! This was my room for the morning. Had to get up and down off that multiple. The only good thing, I had the best radiology team. They were so sweet and patient when it took me awhile to swallow the nasty chalk.

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And my first “meal” water and cashews! Thats right, I packed food and water for immediately after. I think they were both finished before I hit the highway. Next time, I’ll just pack a lunch haha

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I know this isn’t the most thrilling conversation, but I blog about whats going on in my life, and this just happens to go under the category: Not fun to go through or read about haha. And maybe we can find out what is going on once and or all!

Question for you:

Ever feel that you wish you could have three hours of your life back?

-Yea. I won’t those three back haha

Ever have to drink the xray barium?