Weekly Workouts, a day late

Well, my weekly workout post is a day late, but my mom was borrowing my computer. I have also been all around the world St Louis

I took my nephew and Andrew to the homecoming, so they could ride some rides


and then when they went to my parents I hung out with friends, which is exactly what I needed

I have been cooking up in the kitchen. Cauliflower “potatoes”



Andrew and I have also been riding, and today we went on a bike ride around our neighborhood.

P1080048(riding my bike while taking pictures! haha)

It is amazing to share something I love with Andrew


So back to the workouts last week. Wow. this week was all about work….. I need to UP MY GAME~!

Sunday: 1000mile swim at the pool

Monday: Rest day

Tuesday: Rest day (12 hr shift)

Wednesday: Rest day (12 hr shift)

Thursday: 16mile bike ride

Friday: Rest day (12 hr shift)

Saturday: 25 min elliptical + awesome leg workout!

Question for you:

Do you have something that you love to do, that you like to share with others?

3 thoughts on “Weekly Workouts, a day late”

  1. Aside from running and workout out, I love to read…I am so happy when I’m curled up with a book and one of my girls comes over with a book too…doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, I’m all happy and gooshy inside!!

  2. I was thinking about how you post your workouts and how I should do the same. I was thinking I would include my step count from my FitBit with it so you can see if I was really lazy on my rest day or I was just busy at school and walking everywhere. Do you were a pedometer? You should!!

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