Trader Joe’s is the new Target

Today, I was traveling to the other side of St Louis (not doing anything fun) so as I treat, I headed to a favorite place, Trader Joe’s. In reality, I needed to go to the store, and I just love that place !I usually end up taking more things home with me than are on the list, but that is how Target is as well!

This is the first time I headed there in a few months without Andrew, and it was great to walk down the aisle and not hear “can we get this?”

Of course, we started with my favorites. Coconut oil ,coconut milk, and lots of nuts! cashews.almonds. pistachios.


Next up, hot dogs, bacon, and LOTS of grass fed butter. Love this stuff


Also some fruits and veggies


some new treats for Andrew (oh and I have had some too!)


And some new items to try!


Also, I picked up some flowers FOR me FROM me 🙂


Question for you:

What is your favorite thing at trader joes?

Have you ever tried coconut sugar?

Jump start to 2014

It is almost that time of year to start thinking of our new year’s resolutions. I got the idea from Angela to start Whole30. I went online just to get some info, and I think it will be a great challenge. I already eat Paleo, but this takes it up a notch. AND the good news is, I got my mom, sister in law, and future sister in law to do it with me! So for the month of January, we are going back to the basics. If anyone wants to join with us, let me know! We are going to have weigh ins on Friday, and will share recipes 🙂

I wanted to get a jump start, so that in two weeks I will be ready.

First, I headed to Sam’s to get stocked up

P1080759(dont mind the chapstick, it was just sitting there haha. the buns are for andrew)

And also Trader Joe’s, because who doesn’t like that place?


I found a few new recipes, so I picked up some new items as well

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I will defiantly share those with you along the way!


In other news around the house, we have a new member to the family.


That is right, another giraffe and this one fits on the frig! I’m sure in no time he will be joining Andrew and the other giraffes at bed time haha


Elf 4 Health Challenge: Eat from 3 different food groups


Lunch was super easy was left over steak, cauliflower mashed potatoes, and a clementine.

Question for you:

Have you started about any new goals for the new year?

-I am defiantly looking forward to this year. I feel that I am going into this year much more positive, and in control than last year. Hoping for amazing things 🙂

What I Ate Wednesday: Recipe modified

I usually talk about the food I eat on Wednesday, to follow along with Peas and Crayons and lots of other bloggers, but today, I will show you pictures of things I ate and then get right to the good stuff. A MODIFIED DESSERT RECIPE.

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so that is the NOT exciting part. After the pumpkin cake mug recipe that I found, I realized the coconut flour + the honey sometimes put me way over my carbs. (im trying to eat less carbs. My body loves carbs=my body gains weight when I eat them)

Anywho, so I wanted to try something that wouldn’t have lots of carbs, AND would still be tasty. I basically just substituted a different ingredient.


Protein Pumpkin Cake for One


-3tbsp vanilla protein powder

-3tbsp canned pumpkin

-1 egg

-2tbsp butter

-1tbsp honey

-cinnamon + pumpkin pie spice


1.) mix wet and then dry ingredients

2.) microwave for 2 minutes


Question for you:

Are you more of a cook or a baker?

-I would much rather bake! and taste test 🙂

Trader Joe’s vs Sam’s

Today, I am feeling a million times better, and I was able to get a ton done! I headed to not one, but TWO stores today for groceries. I think it was because I really wanted to go to Trader Joe’s, but they just didn’t have everything

First Stop: Sam’s

P1070952On the list: eggs, milk, smoked sausage, cucumbers, blueberries, bananas, apples, string cheese, and pasta sauce

Next stop: Trader Joe’s

P1070954On the list: butter, peas, green beans, flowers, 1 onion, red potatoes, honey, maple syrup, cookie butter, chicken broth, trader joes cookies, and coconut milk

Some new favorites I can’t wait to try


Any suggestions on how to use these bad boys?

I found one way for the cookie butter. Pumpkin Almond Pancakes 🙂


Yum!~ The pancake recipe can be found here

Question for you:

Where do you shop for groceries?

Any favorite new foods?

Favorite Things

The past few months, I have found some new items around the house that I wanted to share!

  • Ok this is not a new thing, but I LOVE trader Joe’s flowers


  • Andrew’s ribbon to celebrate his 1st communion in just a few weeks


  • Clearance at Target


  • New neutrogena shampoo and conditioner. You use once a week to get build up off your hair


  • Trader Joe’s chocolate. Because really, when can you go wrong with chocolate



  • Making my To Do list for the first communion party (2 weeks early. thanks OCD haha)


Question for you:
What is something you are loving lately?

How is your weekend?

Errands and new TJ finds

The beginning of the week was all about work. And today, I felt like I was hit by a bus (again).

No time to dwell, its time to get moving ! Lots to do: party to plan, food to buy, and house to clean

Do you see what I mean?


No. Andrew is not hidden under there haha

I headed to HObby Lobby, the Dollar store, Sam’s, and Trader Joe’s


Just the stuff from TJs


I found some new things to try!


Later Andrew took my picture.


He said pick up the wine. Maybe he will be a photographer? haha

It might not look like it, but I was gone from 10am to 1:30pm running errands. I was beat.

Question for you:

Which stores do you visit each week?

Getting ready for East coast visitors!

In just ONE day, Angela, Tiffany, and Rob will be here to run the marathon! (I think I’ve mentioned it a few times…..)

Only because I am So excited! The day started with a trip to Sam’s for groceries, and then yoga. I was STILL tight from my run a few days ago. (Hollie you were right, I NEED to stretch more!)

favorite pose. although Im STARTING to like downward dog

Then it was time for Trader Joe’s (just some of my things I picked up)

This looks much better

Yum pumpkin butter

Also started to get stuff together for the race. Charging the IPOD while listening to Stereo Hearts Radio on Pandora

I also just finished surrendering playing light sabers and guns with Andrew and two of his friends. I think I won…. haha

Tomorrow: deep cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, start crock pot dinner, go for a LIGHT run, there was something else….darn it. It will come to me haha

My new favorite song

Question for you:

Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods?

-Thats a tough one. I LOVE whole foods (its bigger) but trader joe’s is a better price

A year ago, and today

I was just looking back on the good o’ blog. Last year, I was visiting my cousin in CHicago

and buying lots of stuff at IKEA! I want to go back!!! haha


This year, I am deciding what to give up for Lent. The other day at work, my friend Denise and I were having a slow day in the NICU.

This conversation really happened:

  •  “What should I give up for Lent” me
  • “A$$holes” denise
  •  “I think that is more of a LIFETIME goal, not a goal just for the next 40 days. But I’ll see what I can do” me

haha. This made me laugh, because more things having been coming out about Chris, and how he wasn’t treating me w/ the respect that I deserve.  (that text message, lead to the end of our relationship) working w/ mostly women…well we tend to talk about things haha. Apparently, now it is the goal of several NICU nurses to find me a nice guy 🙂

SOOOO back to Lent. I wanted to do something that was good for me and Andrew. Healthy and Happy.

#1 We are going to eat as CLOSE to Paleo as we can. Hence all the great and fresh foods we bought today at Trader Joe’s

This means: no candy at work (which I have been REALLY bad at), no ice cream, and decreasing the amount of coffee

Today ALL I WANTED was a gas station coffee today, but I resisted.

I am giving myself one cheat meal a week. I know that this week I am hanging out w/ the girls in the NICU, and then I have a wedding coming up as well. So I don’t want to miss out on enjoying the food. And I don’t want to beat myself up if I have an “off” day. So we will see how it goes! I plan on posting more of what I eat, so you guys can keep me on track. AND PLEASE DO!

#2 I am only going to be on the computer when Andrew isn’t here or when he is asleep.

 I noticed today I was on the computer WAY TO MUCH. And it wasn’t even productive. Ok. I was looking at blogs haha

But I want to give him more attention, because soon he is going to be old and not wanting to hang out w/ his old mom 🙂

Question for you:

Are you giving up/trying anything for Lent?

What were you doing a year ago?


Yesterday, Andrew had to stay home from school for a temperature, sore throat, and runny nose. He also went to the doctor. Negative for strep and the flu (but you know how that went before…..)

Today, we are home. And all I wanted to do was run outside since it in the 60s outside!!!!! Instead, we are stuck laying around. (I can’t take us being sick all the time!!!!)

Breakfast was yummy pancakes, and scrambled eggs

We did make a trip out to Trader Joe’s for some grocery. With the start of Lent, I needed some new kitchen items (another post on this later!)

Before heading to the grocery store, I planned our meals! First, I printed off a bunch new recipes!

And picked a few for the next few nights.

I can’t wait to use all my new items 🙂 

It was then time for lunch. Turkey sandwich, cucumber, and slice of colby cheese.

I am now in the process of making a new dessert! And then I think its nap time haha

Question for you:
Is the weather nice were you are, that you can run outside?

What is your favorite thing to get at Trader Joes/ Whole Foods?


three days!

Breakfast with the little guy was oatmeal again. Its in the 40s here!!!

My oatmeal: oats, PB, banana, cinnamon, and a scoop of pumpkin.

I tweeted this morning about whether or not I should go back to bed or go to yoga….

krissyswim16:go to yoga? or go back to bed?

Well I told myself, YOU’RE GOING!
And it was totally worth it. I even tried a new pose (we used the wall though, which helped A LOT!)

I wasn’t too impressed with it

On the way home, I got a 300 calorie pumpkin spice latte. Im not sure if it was worth it, but MAN it was good!

Then lunch. Good o’ pasta, broccoli, peppers, chicken, and parmesan cheese

And dessert was a chocolate pudding with some cinnamon pita chips. It was DELCIOUS.

 time to get Andrew from school, do homework, and then I cleaned up the Lego mess……and I found that the red spray paint SPREAD PAST the drop cloth I put down. AWESOME. So for an hour I was scrubbing that off the laminate floors. (it still looks pink. darn it)

Dinner was thanks to trader joes pizza dough. Love that stuff and my picky eater does too!

I had a side of acorn squash and he had carrots

I added corn to my pizza- DELICIOUS!

 we got Ted Drews ice cream. (my weakness) and watched the cardinals game at my parents house, with my parents, nephew, and andrew

I defiantly ate way to much ice cream. Deep breath- moving on.


Question for you:

Have you started eating/drinking warmer things now that its cold outside?

(I guess I shouldn’t talk. I ate a whole galloon of ice cream after dinner and it was 48 degrees outside haha. But the oatmeal and coffee this morning was awesome!)