Sam Baker 2014

While on my hiatus from bloggin, my family and I went on a short vacation just 2 hrs or so away……

My family and I have been going to Sam Baker State Park since I was around 4 years old.

We also went last summer. This year we had a larger group, and stayed in brand new cabins


Even though we were a few miles away from the others, the cabins were amazing!

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I didnt take many pictures, I still only had my phone to take pictures, but I took this view from our cabin πŸ™‚


It really helped to de-stress. We even went on a hike, which might have been alot for me and my belly, but I made it!

of course there was coffee :)
of course there was coffee πŸ™‚

I promise I will now have better pictures, because my camera (which lens broke) is fix!

question for you:

Would you rather stay in a tent, cabin, hotel, or bed and breakfast?


The big birthday weekend

Even as I write this post, I can’t believe that I have a 9 year old. This is his last year of being in the single digits. And soon he will be a preteen… craazzzzyyy


The birthday celebrations started on Saturday with a kid party and sleepover. They played outside for a long time and then opened presents


The night ended with a movie



Β The next night was spent with my family with of course presents



and cake!

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We spend the night outside with all of Andrew’s baseball gifts

On Andrew’s actually birthday Monday, we spent a low key day, but we celebrated with a baseball game


Andrew was SO excited to play on his birthday


And they were able to celebrate with cupcakes


Question for you:

Would you rather have cake, ice cream, cupcakes, etc for your birthday?

Kitchen remodel

One of the biggest projects I have had over the past month, has been my kitchen.


It took such a long time because I first had to strip the paint off, which means each and ever piece


Then I had to prime it twice and paint it twice

And finally, it looks AMAZING!

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my family has even stopped by to see it, and they are impressed

Look at how far the kitchen has come!!

right before we moved it :)
right before we moved it πŸ™‚
after painting the cabinets
after painting the cabinets

I hated those yellow cabinets, thank goodness I took my time and they are gone πŸ™‚

We also dont have that countertop anymore, but this is the best picture I could find.

140527_006it is really hard to see on my silly phone pics but compare it to the microwave, the cabinets aren’t yellow! wahoO!!

(I used Dover White from Sherwin Williams, if anyone wants to check it out)

Question for you:

Do you have a big project on your TO DO LIST?

The good and bad kept me away

Hi everyone!!! I had no idea it has been 3 weeks since I have been here! I took a LONNNGGG break. There are of course MANY reasons while i have been away, but the main was I needed a break.

With everything that has happened so far this year, I wanted to unplug. There was also SO many things I wanted to do at home, with Andrew, and with myself, that the blog fell to the wayside.


We had a furry visitor who was dropped on my hands in the middle of the night by our cat May May


My dad came over that morning and we released him outside. He was much cuter outside!



I also have gone back to work full time. It has been a rough transition, since I am still getting my strength back. But on a positive note, I am SOOOOOO happy to be back. I have missed all my coworkers and the babies so much. ❀ NICU


I also had this amazing “friend” visit outside the window at work


On a not so happy note, I was in a car accident last week.


Luckily, everyone was ok . But the person who hit me who’s fault it was, does not have insurance, so I have to pay for some of it 😦


I also had another doctors visit while I was away. I did need to be put under, but no incisions and I was able to go home that day.


It all went great and I am just now being followed πŸ™‚


Andrew and I are finally back at the pool~


this is him going down the FAST slide! There is just something about being out in the sun that makes me happy


I know there has been so much going on, I am sure I forgot some things on here, but I promise amanda I will be around more now!

Question for you:

What is something big (or not so big) that is going on for you the past few weeks?