Today was one of this days. Well I guess you could say I’ve been a ticking time bomb. The past week I have not been sleeping and it finally caught up with me. Even with all the fun activities, family, and lots of yummy food, I have been sleeping 5-6 hours a night which is not enough for me.

For me I need sleep, good healthy food, and sweaty workout and I am a happy lady.

So today at work I was a high crab apple and I had to turn it around. First I went for a walk around the hospital campus With a hot cup of coffee and a favorite podcast, Well Fed Women ( used to be paleo for women)

When I got home, I made sure to head to crossfit and get a good workout in

And now I’m spending the evening with Andrew (steve had to go to work ๐Ÿ˜ข) watching Santa Clause 2

nd heading to bed eaarrrrlllly tonight ๐Ÿ˜ด

Questions for you?

1.) what are your favorite podcasts?

2.) what are things in your daily life you need to stay happy?

Christmas when it is 70 outside

I really love everything about Christmas (not as much as Halloween) but it is a great holiday with friends and family. So whenever we can get the decorations up, I am in!

With Steve working night shift, and my work schedule, tonight was the perfect night to drag all the boxes upstairs ๐ŸŽ„

We started outside since it gets so dark early now, and it was 72 degrees!!


Then inside complete with Andrews train

Steve was feeling under the weather so westill need to work on the real tree in the back room with all our ornaments, so we saved that for another night. I think my favorite part of Christmas is all our pictures from years past that we put on the mantel


My mom started this tradition when I was around six years old, and has continued every since. And now that I have my own house and my own little family, it is a tradition I plan to keep as well.


We ended the night cuddling on the couch watching one of my top three favorite Christmas movies


Question for you:โ›„๏ธ๐Ÿฅง๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿผ๐ŸŽ„
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
What is your favorite hristmas movie?

Iโ€™m back!

Hi everyone! A lot has changed since my last post three years ago, almost to the day, but itโ€™s time I come back to the blogging world. I loved sharing workouts, recipes, and just daily life. Almost like a journal that I can look back on.

We shall see how often I post, or what all makes it on here ๐Ÿ˜

Just three big things have changed since the last time I was here. I met an amazing guy who has been here for the past three years and his name is Steve. Alittle bit about him… he is a nurse, born and raised in stlouis, and is head over heels for me and Andrew. (Ok that was corny but ohhh well)


Another big big thing is a started a new job. For nine years I was a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit at a hospital here in St. Louis. But after many many many hours of thinking and praying I changed to a care coordinator position at the same hospital. It was the best decision. I now work monday through Friday working flexible eight hour days, with no holidays and only five saturdays a year. Best decision for Andrew, steve but especially myself. The stress of 12 hour shifts and the ICU were taking their toll. I couldnโ€™t be happier with my decision. Although I sure do miss those little babies and all my friends, but luckily I still get to visit them just have to travel to their floor ๐Ÿ˜


And lastly I start crossfit. And well… I drank the crossfit koolaid and Iโ€™m hooked. I started alittle over a year ago and even competed in my first beginners competition. I work out with one of my good friends that I worked with in the NICU. Itโ€™s so good to still see her every week. And well, she kicks my butt and I want to be like her one day. She is awesome!


Well that seems about the big things! I canโ€™t wait to share my health journey but also just living a healthy life again! I have goals that i will share on here as well! Feel free to comment and say hello! It is good to be back
