Birthday Part Four

Today was spent running around St Louis.
Breakfast started with Pumpkin Oat Pancakes

Then to home depot to get dry wall!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont think i have EVER been this excited to go to home depot. Yep the kitchen is in the REBUILDING phase!


Also, had to pick up the cake for my kiddos bday party. Today’s was a joint party with another boy in Andrew’s class.
They had a swim party and had a blast!

Then it was time for target, walgreens, checking email. Pick up Andrew.


Apple Feta Pizza

Im watching you Tiger. Yes and orange cat names tiger, SOO original

 Its surprising I get to eat with all these animals trying to steal my food!

(ok my parents really only have a dog and cat)

I also had a yogurt and small piece of ice cream cake

 We then took a nap before it was PARTY TIME!!!


 the party included lots of swimming, pizza, and of course cake

All I had was cake. I mean who can turn down a star wars cake?!?!? exactly.

now I have ABSOLUTELY no energy (teachers you are angels! we had 24 kids, 9 being 1st graders) And IM TIRED!

Off to bed. work tomorrow and then to work on my house!

Question for you:

What is your favorite pumpkin food?

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